महाराष्ट्र कृषि सेवा पूर्व परीक्षा २०१७ Questions And Answers:
Choose the best active voice structure for the following sentence :
She was given three increments for her outstanding performance.
The more we looked at the piece of modern art,__________
Complete the sentence choosing the correct alternative.
Fill in the blank with the correct degree of comparison.
Between the two options you have, _________ .
State the meaning of the idiom underlined in the following sentence :
'You must look after your parents.'
Choose the most appropriate synonym for the underlined word.
He was punished for his recalcitrance.
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the word underlined to complete the sentence.
He led an ascetic life but his wife had her ________ ways.
Substitute the underlined phrase with a suitable word.
The roof gave in because of heavy rains.
Pick out the correct substitute for the following:
Word for word
Which among the options given below is the correct one for filling in the blank ?
Mustard oil doesn't suit all ________ .
He said, "Give all the help you can."
Pick out the correct indirect narration of the above sentence.
Consider the following statements :
(A) Recently, the Lok-Sabha passed a bill to accord Constitutional status to the National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC)
(B) This Commission will hear the grievances of socially and educationally backward classes.
खालील विधाने विचारात घ्या :
(अ) नुकतेच राष्ट्रीय मागासवर्गीय आयोगास (NCBC) घटनात्मक दर्जा देणारे विधेयक लोकसभेने मंजूर केले.
(ब) सदरहू आयोग सामाजिक आणि शैक्षणिक दृष्ट्या मागास वर्गाच्या तक्रारी ऐकून घेणार आहे.
Which of the following state has launched in April 2017 'Deendayal Antyodaya Rasoi Yojana' to provide food at subsidized rate to the poor in urban areas ?
शहरी भागातील गरीबांना सवलतीच्या दरात जेवण देण्यासाठी एप्रिल 2017 मध्ये ‘दिनदयाळ अन्त्योदय रसोई योजना' खालीलपैकी कोणत्या राज्याने सुरु केली आहे ?
Following are the agreements made by India and Bangladesh in April, 2017
(a) India will give Bangladesh a loan upto Rs. 32,140 crores
(b) Use of Nuclear power for peaceful means.
(c) Proper solution has been made for the Teesta river water dispute.
(d) Total 22 agreements were done.
Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?
एप्रिल, 2017 मध्ये भारत आणि बांग्लादेशामध्ये खालीलप्रमाणे करार करण्यात आले.
(अ) भारत, बांग्लादेशला 32,140 कोटी रुपये पर्यंत कर्ज देणार.
(ब) शांतिपूर्ण कार्यासाठी परमाणु ऊर्जेचा वापर करणार.
(क) तीस्ता नदी पाणी वाटपाचे योग्य समाधान करण्यात आले.
(ड) एकूण 22 करार करण्यात आले.
वरीलपैकी कोणती/कोणते विधान चुकीचे आहे ?
Which one of the following statements about Nobel laureate Malala Yousufzai is incorrect?
(A) She became the youngest person to address the Canada's Parliament.
(B) She is one of just six people to receive honorary Canadian citizenship.
(C) She is selected as United Nations messenger of Peace.
नोबेल पारितोषिक विजेती मलाला युसुफझाई बाबत खालीलपैकी कोणते विधान चुकीचे आहे ?
(अ) ती कॅनडाच्या संसदेला संबोधित करणारी सर्वात तरूण व्यक्ती बनली आहे.
(ब) ती कॅनडाचे मानद नागरिकत्व प्राप्त करणारी सहा व्यक्तिमधील केवल एक आहे.
(क) तिची संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघाची शांतीदूत म्हणून निवड झाली आहे.
Who won the award for Best Director' at the '64th National Film Awards'?
64 व्या राष्ट्रीय चित्रपट पुरस्कार' मध्ये सर्वोत्कृष्ट निर्देशक म्हणून कोणी पुरस्कार जिंकला आहे ?
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