STI Main 2012- Paper 1 Questions And Answers:
Give a single word for :
Commencement of words with the same letter and/or sound.
Everything has worked out according to the plan.
Tick mark the correct meaning of the underlined phrase.
Which of the following sentences is incorrect ?
Lead is heavier than any other metal.
Choose the alternative with the positive degree.
Choose the right alternative.
The man ________ I thought was thoroughly honest proved to be a swindler.
Which of the following sentences is correct ?
(a) He held the book in both hands.
(b) He held the book in both his
Mr. Mehta manages a big industrial empire.
Choose the correct alternative to change the voice.
__________ hard we tried, we could not avoid the elections.
Choose the correct sentence connector to complete the sentence.
Choose the alternative which is a correct conversion of the following simple sentence into a compound sentence.
In spite of being a Russian by birth, he speaks Hindi like his mother tongue.
I saw a bus leaving for vile Parle.
The underlined preposition indicates.
Which of the following sentences has been written in the future perfect tense ?
The word immigrant means :
Send your good wishes to all your friends.
Choose the correct alternative for changing the voice.
You shall have a holiday tomorrow.
The modal expresses.
If wishes ________ horses, beggars __________ them.
Complete the sentence choosing the correct alternative to show imaginary condition.
The man with a smiling face is our leader.
Which is the correct conversion of the above sentence into the compound one ?
Identify the sentence in which ‘right is used as an adverb.
Which of the following sentences is correct ?
(a) I left playing
(b) Let go the horse's reins.
I had to shout in the mouth piece so that she could hear me.
Identify the underlined clause.
If we started now we would be in time.
The subjunctive in the sentence expresses.
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