महाराष्ट्र कृषि सेवा पूर्व परीक्षा २०१८ Questions And Answers:
Match the following:
Choose the best active voice structure for the following sentence :
He was given a merciless thrashing at school.
(a) Never have I seen such a sight.
(b) Never I have seen such a sight.
Identify the grammatically correct sentence.
Fill in the blank with the correct expression.
She makes _______ about her prejudice against them.
The nurse said to us, “Please wait outside the room".
Which of the following indirect narration is correct?
(a) The nurse told us to wait outside the room.
(b) The nurse requested us to wait outside the room.
(c) The nurse instructed us to wait outside the room,
(d) The nurse urged us to wait outside the room.
Answer options :
Selfish politicians are troublesome for those who do not toe the line.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined phrase in the above sentence :
Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined expression.
New banking policy was presented to us as a fait accompli.
State the meaning of the underlined phrase in the following sentence :
Environmentalists have no axe to grind.
Choose the correct option :
Identify adjectives in the following sentences :
(a) My father bought a large house.
(b) Weird noises disturbed us in the night.
(c) It was the ghastly apparition of an old man.
Answer options :
Point out the correct sentences.
(a) There are two rooms. You can select either of them.
(b) There are four rooms. You can select either of them.
(c) There are two rooms. You can select any of them.
(d) There are four rooms. You can select any of them.
Answer options :
Which of the following statement is false ?
(a) Maharashtra Assembly passes prohibition of Social Boycott Bill in April 2016.
(b) An offence under the bill shall fetch a maximum punishment of seven years imprisonment or fine up to 5 lakh or both.
(c) Maharashtra has became the first state in India to pass a bill on Social Boycott.
Answer options :
खालीलपैकी कोणते विधान चुकीचे आहे?
(a) महाराष्ट्र विधानसभेने एप्रिल 2016 मध्ये सामाजिक बहिष्काराच्या बंदीबाबत विधेयक मंजूर केले.
(b) या विधेयका खालील गुन्ह्यासाठी जास्तीत जास्त 7 वर्षे कारावास अथवा र 5 लाखापर्यंत दंड अथवा दोन्हीही अशा शिक्षेची तरतूद आहे.
(c) भारतात सामाजिक बहिष्काराबाबत विधेयक मंजूर करणारे महाराष्ट्र हे पहिले राज्य ठरले आहे.
पर्यायी उत्तरे :
Where is the biggest market of Onions in Asia Continent ?
आशिया खंडातील सर्वात मोठी कांद्याची बाजारपेठ कोठे आहे?
Consider the following statements about a law that allows paid maternity leave :
(a) The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill was passed by Parliament in March, 2017,
(b) Women employees will now be able to get paid maternity leave of 26 weeks.
(c) The entitlement of 26 weeks paid leave under the law is only for first two children.
(d) The law also allows paid maternity leave of 26 weeks for a women who adopts a child below the age of three months.
Which of the statements given above are correct ?
पगारी प्रसूती रजा देणा-या कायद्याबाबत खालील विधाने विचारात घ्या :
(a) प्रसूती फायदा (दुरुस्ती) विधेयक हे संसदेने मार्च 2017 मध्ये मंजूर केले आहे.
(b) महिला कर्मचारी आता 26 आठवड्यांची पगारी रजा मिळण्यास पात्र असतील
(c) सदरहू कायद्यानुसार 26 आठवड्यांच्या पगारी रजेचा अधिकार केवळ पहिल्या दोन अपत्यासाठीच आहे.
(d) सदरहू कायदा अशा महिलेस देखील 26 आठवड्यांची पगारी रजेस मान्यता देतो जिने तीन महिने वयाच्या आतील बाळास दत्तक घेतले आहे.
वरीलपैकी कोणती विधाने बरोबर आहेत ?
On February 15, 2017 India set a World record by launching 104 satellites from a single rocket. Which one of the following statements about it is not correct?
15 फेब्रुवारी, 2017 रोजी भारताने एकाच प्रक्षेपकाद्वारे 104 उपग्रहांचे प्रक्षेपण करून जागतिक विक्रम केला आहे. त्या संबंधी खालीलपैकी कोणते विधान बरोबर नाही ?
In April 2017, the women Chief Justice were in the various High Courts of India :
एप्रिल 2017 मध्ये भारताच्या विभिन्न उच्च न्यायालयांमधे खालील प्रमाणे महिला मुख्य न्यायाधीश होत्या :
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