महाराष्ट्र कृषि सेवा पूर्व परीक्षा २०१२ Questions And Answers:
Make a complex sentence from the given simple sentences :
You are quiet. Can you tell me why?
Rearrange the jumbled parts PQR and S to form a meaningful sentence along with the first and the last part.
1. The sound of your voice
P. words can create a
Q. and the choice of your
R. and get them attracted to
S. Tremendous impact on people
6. you like a powerful magnet
Choose the one word that can substitute the given sentence.
Pledge given by a prisoner to return after a temporary release.
Choose the correct sentence.
Select the correct sentence/ sentences.
(A) You need cricket practise.
(B) Did you practice cricket ?
Question numbers 66 to 70 :
Read the following passage carefully and select correct answers to the questions given hlow :
Universities exist for a double purpose - to give advanced specialized training in such subjects as medicine, law, and engineering, for the practitioners of which a high degree of technical knowledge is indispensable, and in the second place, to encourage disinterested researches and to impart to those capable of receiving it advanced learning of a less obviously and immediately practical kind. A certain proportion of the young people attending Universities do so for the purpose of making a career in one of the professions. The rest are there, nominally, to finish their education by the acquisition of disinterested higher learning. In reality, however, most of them attend the university for reasons entirely unconnected with this higher learning, for which they feel no natural appetite and whose nature, significance and object they are therefore unable to comprehend. They enrol themselves as students, or are enrolled by their solicitous parents, because, in the first place, to have attended a University (particularly if the university happens io be a notoriously expensive one) gives a certain social cachet; because a university is a delightful club for young people; and finally because the modern University, at any rate in England and America, is a great athletic organization. When we have deducted from the total number of non-professional students all those who attend the University only for reasons of snobbery and sociability, and for love of sport, the residue of genuine philomaths will be remarkably small. And yet, leaving the professionals out of account for the moment, it is precisely for the philomaths that Universities ought to cater Students who are merely clubmen, snobs, and athletes should be excluded. Of all the Universities, Oxford and Cambridge contain the largest proportion of non-professional and merely snobbish and athletic students.
Which of the following is most nearly the same in meaning as the word 'cachet' as used in the passage ?
Which class of students should universities supply for ?
The aim of the universities is to :
The subject of the passage is :
The meaning of 'solicitous' in the paragraph is :
Arrange the following presidents in chronological order :
(A) Dr. Radhakrishnan
(B) Dr. Zakir Hussain
(C) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(D) Giani Zailsingh
According to population which among the following is the smallest country in the world ?
खालील राष्ट्रपतींचा त्यांच्या पदनियुक्तीनुसार क्रम लावा :
(A) डॉ. राधाकृष्णन
(B) डॉ. झाकीर हुसेन
(C) डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद
(D) ग्यानी झैलसिंग
खालीलपैकी लोकसंख्येच्या दृष्टीने जगातील सर्वात लहान देश कोणता?
Match the following:
योग्य जोड्या लावा.
In 1976 by which constitutional amendment the word "socialism" was inserted in the preamble ?
1976 साली कोणत्या घटना दुरुस्तीद्वारे ‘‘समाजवाद'' हा शब्द उद्देशपत्रिकेत टाकण्यात आला ?
Who designed '₹' the symbol of Indian currency Rupee ?
भारतीय चलन रुपयाचे 'इ' हे प्रतीकचिन्ह कोणी तयार केले?
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