PSI Main 2011 - Paper 2 Questions And Answers:
As per 2001 census, in Maharashtra farm labour constitute _______ % of the total working labour.
In which year the Govt. of India signed WTO agreement and when did the World Trade Organisation come into existence,
The farmers get crop loan under ___________ .
What are the functions of village multipurpose co-operative credit society?
What is the main function of the Land Development Bank?
In the year 2006-07, the Government of India's fiscal deficit was 3.3% of GDP and Primary deficit was -0.2% of GDP. What does this indicate?
In the year 2008-09 India's GNP was Ra, 3323648 Crs and NNP was Rs. 2941971 Crs, The difference between the two is due to which of the following factors ?
What was the rate of growth in service sectorin Indian Economy in the year 2008-09?
What is the share of small scale industries in India's industrial output?
What was the objective behind formation of Vanchhu committee ?
Which sector's share has been continuously decreasing since 1960-61 in national income of India?
National Income Estimates in India are prepared by __________ .
What was the share of Agricultural sector in India's National Income in the year 2006-07 ?
As per the census of India Report 2001, what was the compound annual growth rate of population during the period 1991.2001.
When was planning commission established in India ?
Indian planning falls under which of the following types ?
In the 11th Five year plan, the Investment rate as a percentage of GDP is estimated to be at what level?
Which of the following is a tax not levied by the Government of India?
What was the share of agriculture and allied activities in the 10th Five Year Plan outlay?
What is the targetted rate in poverty reduction under 11th plan period ?
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