राज्यसेवा मुख्य परीक्षा २०१७ GS-4 Questions And Answers:
When undergoes fission, about 0.1 percent of the original mass is released as energy. How much energy is released when 1 kg of
undergoes fission?
Which one of the following statements is incorrect about GSAT - 9 satellite ?
The process that converts solid coal into liquid hydrocarbon fuel is called :
Which of the following are the indirect form of solar energy ?
Pokhran II was the second Indian Nuclear test conducted the explosions of series of ___________ nuclear bomb between 11 - 13 May 1998.
Which of the following means hacker may use to know your password to break into your system?
Full form of ERP is :
Which of the following pair describing transmission medium and signal used in Computer Networking is correct ?
Which of the following protocol provides reliable communication ?
'Saksham' online scholarship management system is implemented in_ for the first time.
The newly implemented goods and service tax would __________ affect the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry.
The ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India has been in a fore - front of an initiative called as Biotech-KISAN. The word 'KISAN' in this program stands for ___________ .
Match the plant disease (I) with their causative agent (II) :
The inside temperature of the artificial Vagina (used in artificial insemination) of cows should be ideally between ___________ .
One of the following is not a method for direct gene transfer :
Opaque-2 maize composite varieties developed by ICAR are rich in __________ and __________ .
Which of the following statement/s is/are true ?
(a) Polio viruses are spread predominantly by the fecal-oral route
(b) Tuberculosis cannot be transmitted by milk or food
(c) Kala-azar could be contracted via bite of sand fly
(d) Athlete's foot is a disease caused by worms
Answer options :
A seedless variety of watermelon developed by Indian Institute of Horticultural research has been named as _________ .
India's first 2G Ethanol plant was set in __________ .
Which of the following property/ies could be attributed adult stem cells ?
(a) These are sourced from Embryo's
(b) These can be taken from patient to avoid immune rejection problem
(c) Adult stem cells are not numerous in mature tissues
(d) Adult stem cells cannot repair tissue cells Answer options :
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