राज्यसेवा मुख्य परीक्षा २०१२ GS-3

राज्यसेवा मुख्य परीक्षा २०१२ GS-3 Questions And Answers:

आपल्या मित्रांना पाठवा :

Why are boys between the ages of 7 and 10 considered as ideal employees in the carpet making industry in Pakistan ? 

a. They eat less

b. They are obedient

c. They can be paid much less than adult weavers

d. They are highly dexterous

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 


State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Civil and Political rights are included in the Part IV of the Constitution of India. 

b. Social and Economic rights are included in the Part III of the Constitution of India.

Choose the correct alternative :


Which of the following reasons for displacing people from their homes can be grouped as political ?

 a. Typhoons

 b. Racial discrimination

 c.  Ideological

 d. Civil war 

Choose the correct alternative:


Who can be granted political asylum?

a. Those who face persecution on account of race, religion or political ideology.

b. Those who face violation of human rights.

c. Those who face denial of other civil rights and freedom in their own countries.

d. Those who face lack of opportunities for personal growth in their home country.

 Choose the correct alternative:


National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has the following functions: 

a. To conduct and encourage research in the field of Human Rights

b. To encourage voluntary organizations and institutions working in the field of Human Rights.

c. To make inquiry whenever any violation of Human Rights takes place and recommend necessary action to the government 

d. To study international agreements on Human Rights and suggest schemes to the government.

Which of these options is correct?


SAARC was established for the purpose of

a. Regional cooperation

b. Free trade

c. Collective security

d. Conflict resolution

Which of these options is correct? 


Consider the following statements :

a.The Article 51 of the Constitution of India lays down that the State shall endeavour to promote international peace and amity.

b.This provision was inserted by the 42nd Amendment.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


President Roosevelt of the US, in a message to the American Congress in 1941, spelt out the following freedoms as being of universal importance:

a. Freedom of speech and expression

b. Freedom to equality of opportunity

c. Freedom from want

d. Freedom from fear

Which of the above are correct?


Following powers were part of the Moscow Declaration of Four Nations on 31 0tober 1943:


Following are the names of the Secretary Generals of the United Nations General Assembly:

a. M.Spaak

b. Dag Hammerskjold (Sweden)

c. Dr. Kurt Waldheim(Austria)

d. Dr. Boutros Boutros Ghali (Egypt)



The Asian Conference convened by the Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in January 1949 mnde significant contribution to the cause of 

a. Independence of Indonesia

b. Establishment of NAM

c. Forging Alo-Asian unity

d. Anti-colonial movements Which options are correct?


In 1991, while declaring the New Industrial Policy, India accepted the principles of 


Articles in Human Rights Declaration and Fundamental Rights of Constitution of India are the same as


To reduce the rate of maternal death and infant mortality rate, which scheme is being implemented by the Central Government through National Rural Health Mission ?


According to the Human Development Report 2010, India holds what rank in Human Development Index in the world?


In 1992, for prohibition of child labour, International Labour Organisation started IPEC Programme. The first country to participate in this programme was


What are the goal set for itself by the UNICEF ?

a. To encourage healthy life

b. To provide quality education to everyone

c. To protect children from exploitation and violence

d. Prevention of HIV/AIDS


 Which of the option is correct?


The members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are


What is the root cause of various astrocities committed against women ?


Apart from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the following regional organizations have also made efforts to define human rights in formal terms:

a. Council of Europe


c. Organization of African Unity (OAU)

d. Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

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राज्यसेवा मुख्य परीक्षा २०१२ GS-3 Question And Answers

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