महाराष्ट्र कृषि सेवा मुख्य परीक्षा २०११ Questions And Answers:
Citrus jambiri is the scientific name of
Which is the polyembryonic and dwarfing rootstock in Mango ?
Name the branch of Horticulture which includes garden designing
What is the botanical name of Khirni ?
Which is the best variety for high density planting in papaya ?
Name the planting system for hilly slopes and undulating lands for orchard establishment.
In which crop closing of persistent calyx is a typical indication of harvest maturity ?
Which is the leading physiological disorder in Mango ?
Phule Arakta is the improved variety of
Lalit variety of guava is developed at
Kagzi lime is commercially propagated by
Which fruit crop is popularly known as Indian Jujube ?
The "Amrapali", hybrid variety of mango was developed through the cross between
Which of following is the non-climacteric fruit ?
Name the plant growth regulator used commercially for berry development in grape.
Momordica dioica is the scientific name of
The pungency and flavour in onion is due to
Which compound in broccoli is effective in prevention of cancer ?
Name the physiological disorder caused due to deficiency of molybdenum in cauliflower.
Which is the burning problem in Okra ?
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