दिवाणी न्यायाधीश व न्याय दंडाधिकारी पूर्व परीक्षा २०१६ Questions And Answers:
Court can take cognisance of the offence of defamation :
Warrant of arrest may be directed to :
(a) a police officer.
(b) more than one police officer.
(c) any other person.
Which of the following are the correct propositions ?
(a) Every partner has a right to have access and to inspect books of the firm.
(b) Every partner has a right to take part in the business of the firm.
(c) Every partner has a right to show profit.
(d) Every partner has implied authority to open banking account in his own name.
Evidence of a witness recorded in the earlier proceeding is relevant and admissible in the subsequent proceeding provided :
Injury means :
(a) Defamation, damage to reputation
(b) Voluntarily causing hurt to any person
(c) Harm caused lawfully to any person or property
When a person dies intestate without any heir, his property vests in :
Which of the following irregularities vitiate the proceedings ?
(a) Magistrate though not empowered, tender pardon U/S 306 Cri Pro.Code in good
(b) Magistrate not empowered, makes over case to other Magistrate.
(c) Magistrate not empowered, tried the offence summarily.
(d) Magistrate though not competent, decides an appeal.
Who amongst the following is not a competent witness ?
Cross-examination of a witness means :
Suit for compensation for malicious prosecution is required to be filed within :
How a will is required to be proved ?
Agreement without consideration is :
(a) Valid
(b) Void
(c) Valid provided it is in writing, registered and made on account of natural love and affection.
A decree for partition of agricultural land declaring shares of the parties, is to be executed by :
Which of the following are judgement in rem'?
'A' is tried for the murder of 'B' by poison which of the following facts are relevant at the
trial of 'A'
(a) Before the incident'A' had procured poison similar to that found in the body of 'B'.
(b) Earlier 'A' had made attempt to kill 'B'.
(c) In the past ‘A’ had murdered two others by poisoning.
(d) 'A' was on inimical terms with 'B'.
Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term:
Which of the following is or are the correct propositions ?
In a part heard trial of a criminal case :
(a) Succeeding Magistrate can act upon the evidence recorded by his predecessor.
(b) Succeeding Magistrate cannot act upon the evidence recorded by his predecessor.
(c) Succeeding Magistrate cannot act upon such an evidence recorded by his predecessor only in summary trial.
Which of the following is a correct proposition ?
(a) Warranty is a stipulation essential to the main contract of sale of goods.
(b) Warranty is a stipulation collateral to the main purpose of contract.
(c) Breach of warranty gives right to a buyer to repudiate the contract.
Lease for a month to month can' be determined by :
Minor can institute a suit for recovery of movable property :
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