ASO 2015 - Main Paper 1 Questions And Answers:
Which of the following words meaning "a government official” has been spelt correctly?
What is the meaning of 'Gratis' ?
Choose the meaning from:
Many of the incidents in the autobiography appear to be fictitious.
Select the word which is opposite in meaning of the underlined.
Which of the following is not the exact synonym of the word given below ?
He likes people to praise him.
Identify the correct passive form of the above sentence.
Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :
________ order _________ avoid litigation, she accepted her crime.
If I _________ the race, I would have been congratulated by all.
Select the correct alternative to complete the sentence.
Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition :
I feel sorry for not being able to attend ____________ you.
He said, “May God pardon my sins."
Identify the correct indirect narration of the above.
Identify the exact meaning of the following words :
descent, dissent
Which one of the following words is opposite in meaning to the word "transparent" ?
Identify the correct verb agreement :
The introduction of English, Marathi and other regional languages ____________ profound effect on the students' linguistic competence.
Find out the antonym for the following word : Strange
Enjoy the album of tender love songs.
Pick out the correct meaning of the underlined word in the given context.
Substitute the phrase "one who hates women” with one of the following correct words :
The superlative degree of the word 'Fore' will be
Pick out the correct alternative showing meaningful sequencing of the above jumbled structure.
When the meaning of one form or word is included in the meaning of another word it is
called ________ .
Is not wisdom better than riches ?
The above sentence can be changed into assertive sentence as the following:
Choose the correct modal indicating moral obligation :
I __________ help those who need my help.
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