[TDU] The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology

TDU University: University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU), formerly Institute of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, is a private university in Bangalore (Karnataka), established in 2013 by Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Tradition (FRLHT).

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The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology is a well known university in the field of education. As a Private university, it has gained recognition over the years. The institution is located in Karnataka, offering a strategic location for students. Since its establishment in 2013, it has been contributing to the educational world.

The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology

NameThe University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology
Established in2013
Contact Number
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All official notifications about The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology Results, Admit Cards, University Exam Schedule, and Vacancies are on the same page.