[AIISH Mysore] All India Institute of Speech and Hearing University

AIISH Mysore University: All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, commonly known as AIISH (AYE-SH), is located in Manasagangotri, Mysore (Kanrataka). It is an autonomous institute under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The institute was established in 1966 with a focus on training professionals for speech and hearing sciences.

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All India Institute of Speech and Hearing is a well known university in the field of education. As a Autonomous Higher Education Institute university, it has gained recognition over the years. Located in the state of Karnataka, it serves students from across the region / India. Founded in 1966, the university has a history of decade.

All India Institute of Speech and Hearing University

NameAll India Institute of Speech and Hearing
Established in1966
TypeAutonomous Higher Education Institute
Contact Number
Email ID

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