[AIFD] Army Institute of Fashion and Design University

AIFD University: Army Institute of Fashion & Design, Bangalore was established by Army Welfare Education Society in Oct 2004. The primary focus of the institute is to make available technical and professional education in the field of fashion design and apparel management. The institute is located in Nagareshwara Nagenahalli, Kothanur Post, Bangalore – 560077.

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Army Institute of Fashion and Design stands out as a popular institution. As a Autonomous Higher Education Institute university, it has gained recognition over the years. The institution is located in Karnataka, offering a strategic location for students. Founded in 2004, the university has a history of decade.

Army Institute of Fashion and Design University

NameArmy Institute of Fashion and Design
Established in2004
TypeAutonomous Higher Education Institute
Contact Number
Email ID

All official notifications about Army Institute of Fashion and Design University Results, Admit Cards, University Exam Schedule, and Vacancies are on the same page.